It is the aim of this website to spotlight a certain part of Bob Dylan's artistic output on stage or in the recording studio, and to provoke some thoughts. This site is mainly focusing on some of the songs performed occasionally by Bob Dylan in recent decades. This website was created in 2000, after Dylan had started singing certain gospel cover songs on stage, and it continually expanded over the years, as Dylan also continued to confront his audiences with rather challenging lyrics of his own, like the ones from "Gotta Serve Somebody", "Man Of Peace", "In The Garden", "Solid Rock", "I Believe In You", or "Saving Grace", as well as several newer songs recorded during more recent decades, which also contain biblical truth.

It remains my contention, that Bob Dylan believes what he sings in those songs, and that the biblical viewpoints conveyed on stage are his own. I continue to assume, that Dylan has experienced, like countless other believers, his Lord and Savior as the Good Shepherd, who cares for his sheep, and who is looking out for them, even when they go astray in their own ways. Dylan did not initiate his relationship with Jesus. God did that decades ago and the results were obvious. It was not Dylan, but his Lord, who began the good work in him. And it is not Dylan, but his Lord, who will be the one fulfilling his promise to be faithful to complete this good work. Dylan keeps on "hanging on to a solid rock", a rock which he "can't let go no more".

So when Bob Dylan is singing certain songs in recent decades, it not only tells me something about Dylan and his beliefs. It tells me also something about the one he believes in. His Savior Jesus Christ, whom Dylan let in, and who saved his soul from sin, remains for Dylan "a wonderful Savior to know". And when Dylan is singing about "the Master's hand", it does indeed tell me something about his Lord, who in his never ending mercy keeps on touching Dylan, and who keeps on prompting him to confess this in concert, so he can sing: "I know I'll make it by the saving grace that's over me" or "I am hanging in the balance of a perfect finished plan". I am confident that Bob Dylan's wonderful Savior and risen Lord will keep on touching Dylan with his nail-scarred hand, and will finally lead him "beyond the burning sand".

On the song pages of this site I have juxtaposed performance dates and song lyrics with some comments, and at times biblical references. Not all of the songs have mainly theological content, and some of the biblical references are cited simply to point out an allusion or a source. But all of the songs listed are simply brilliant works of art, the live performances of which are real gems in any set list. Another section on this site, "Theme Time", is dedicated to the tracks Bob Dylan presented on his weekly radio hour from 2006 to 2009, where he chose at times to introduce his listeners to some very fine old gospel tracks recorded by various artists he prizes. Finally there are sections about the 99 Dylan concerts I have attended, about the 194 songs I have seen Bob Dylan perform on stage, and about Dylan's studio and live performances from 1979 to 1981.

~ Markus Prieur ~ Bandon ~ County Cork ~ Ireland ~